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It's Not in the Bag: Literacy and Inquiry

This project is something I am working on with my friend Diane Collier at Brock University. Diane and I have been interested in investigating what relationship inquiry has to literacy learning and what role it has in our practice as teacher-educators.


We began this project by having monthly conversations about inquiry and our practice, audio taping these conversations and keeping an online journal about our thinking. In May 2015 we presented the first paper from our inquiries about inquiry at CSSE. 


We entitled it "It's not in the bag" because it seemed that many of our pre-service teachers felt literacy was a thing that could be put in a small bag like a guided reading book, whereas we found our ideas of literacy recognized how it changes over time and space. 


We are currently writing a literature review of research on literacy education and inquiry. 


Below is the power point we presented at CSSE and the script from our talk. 

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